Posted in Literacy Tuesdays

R is for Rainbow

We are getting much more adventurous with our letter crafts.  A couple of weeks ago we had R and as my girls love Rainbows we had to find a way to make “R is for Rainbow” .  I can’t take the credit for this great idea as I found it over at Mom to 2 Post Lil Divas.

I started like I do every week by printing off the letter for Eileen and the word for Kaitlyn.  I realized that the word Rainbow would be too long to do the way I normally do but it didn’t really matter as we were going to cut out the letters anyway, so I just printed a page with all the necessary letters.  Next I took them to the window and traced the letters on the opposite side so I would have a template to cut out the letters once they were done.

To prepare I cut out strips of papers of a variety of colours.  I gave them to the girls in a pile and asked them to sort them by colour, great sorting practice!

Next they glued colour strips onto their papers totally covering their letters.  I suggested they do a pattern but this became difficult with the number of colours we had (and they wanted to use every colour).








After they had time to dry I used an Exacto Knife to cut out their letters.  Eileen’s was finished but Kaitlyn then glued the letters in order to spell the word Rainbow.







Posted in Literacy Tuesdays

K is for Kite

So what have you done this Family Day?  Daddy always works on Family Day (he gets an extra day in the summer instead) so it is just another normally day with me and the kids, just not a normal Monday.  We decided to finish a few of our letter crafts that were almost done and do our letter for the week.

K is a letter I often miss in my Kindergarten class because in Jolly Phonics it is grouped with C.  The girls had been asking to do a K craft so I thought we would add it to our letter wall.

I decided on K is for Kite.  I printed off a large K for Eileen to colour and the word Kite for Kaitlyn.









After they had coloured them we cut out the letters.  Eileen added a tail and decorations to make her kite in the shape of a K.  Kaitlyn glued her letters on a diamond shaped piece of paper and then added her tail.

Posted in Literacy Tuesdays

H is for Hearts

We have been waiting until after Christmas to restart our Literacy Tuesday letters and it was perfect that we are at H.  I kind of knew that we were going to do hearts but the dollar store just got in all of their Valentines day stuff so the timing was perfect.  Last week when I was in getting a few things for my c lass I stocked up on heart shaped items for the girls’ craft boxes.  This included a variety of sizes and shapes of hearts in a variety of materials.

For H today I printed off a large uppercase H for Eileen and the word Heart for Kaitlyn.  I gave them a bowl with a variety of hearts and told them to fill their letters. The only rule was they couldn’t go outside of the lines. Kaitlyn asked if she could draw on her own hearts and of course I said yes.  To stick with the cliche I made sure to print them on pink paper!  An easy craft and a way to reinforce our letter of the day.

To reinforce our letter we brainstorm words that start with it throughout the day.  This is a great and easy way to keep them thinking while driving in the van.  Kaitlyn is really good at this and often comes up with words that I don’t think of. Eileen is getting better and has a remarkable memory. If Kaitlyn mentions a word earlier in the day Eileen will remember it when asked for more words later.  I am hoping to keep a pace of a letter a week from now on as we work to prepare Eileen for Junior Kindergarten in September.  My goal is for her to recognize every letter of the alphabet, know at least one word for each, and be able to print her name with an uppercase E and the remainder in lower case.  We will see how that goes.